Heart attacks are rapidly becoming common due to lifestyle changes in our society. So every time we experience minor chest pain or other symptoms, it's obvious that we expect the worst. It's possible that you might be having a heart attack, or the symptoms are of some other health condition.
In any case, it's critical to know about some common heart attack symptoms. This can help you diagnose the attack and avail of the treatment right away. So let's begin.
Heart attacks have been dramatized a lot in our movies! The patient clenches his/her heart, starts sweating, the face becomes reddish, and he /she struggles with breathing and finally collapses. But it's, in fact, these symptoms appear when the patient gets a severe heart attack.
If you ask a person who has suffered a heart attack, they will tell you that the pain is excruciating. It feels like someone has stabbed you with a knife. So we can say that if the patient is experiencing excruciating pain, he/she might be having a heart attack.
Another indication is profuse sweating. When we experience extensive sweating, it indicates something is wrong with our bodies. So if you or anyone near you suddenly starts sweating, it could be a sign of a heart attack.
Breathlessness can also be a sign of a heart attack. Patients often start struggling to breathe, even if they are sitting ideally. These are the classic symptoms of a heart attack.
But sometimes, these symptoms do not appear at all. For e.g. the patient might feel pain around the belly button instead of the left side chest, back or both hands. These are the typical symptoms of a heart attack.
Remember, if the patient experiences these symptoms after mild exertion, like walking or climbing stairs, then they are the symptoms of a heart attack. But if these mild symptoms appear when the patient is sitting ideally, it might not be the symptom of a heart attack.
Although it's possible that these symptoms might not be a heart attack, you should not take any chances. If these symptoms appear, you should reach out to the doctor immediately to get yourself checked instead of self-diagnosing. Get a blood pressure test or ECG for confirmation.
Get a confirmation from the doctor, and do not try to diagnose the issue yourself or self-medicate. Moreover, don't forget to check out our blog on primary treatments for heart attacks that can help you save someone's life.
We hope this information will help you diagnose a heart attack quickly and get better treatment. In case you need any further information on the matter, you can always reach out to us. We will offer you all the assistance we can.